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Available Marine Corps Items & Flags.. Click Image to enlarge and view all items.

Marines, The Few, the Proud - link to the Official Marine Corps website.   

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US Flags  Link to United States Flag Page
Desk Eagle, 2" tall black marble base, brass eagle with Marine Corps seal  weight 5 pounds stands 11" tall. $47.00
Chrome Auto Decal USMC $12.90
Chrome Auto Decal Globe & Anchor $12.90
Chrome Auto Decal US Flag $14.90 Order Now
 Honor Bear $7.99 MC logo on front US flag on back
Stickers 1.25 each   Reflective $2.55 each
US & MC flag with 2 hole base flags 4x6" on 10" staff.

Pins All 5 for $6.00
Flag 12x18" Cotton Flag Mounted on 30" staff  Order1@ 4.75    Order 12 @3.00ea
Flag 12x18" Outdoor Nylon with grommets $12.90
Flag 2x3' Outdoor Nylon with grommets $25.90 
Flag 3x5' Outdoor Nylon with grommets  $35.90
Flag 3x5' Outdoor Lite Breeze Printed Polyester  $12.90
Flag 4x6' Outdoor Nylon Marine Corp with grommets $42.90
Flag 5x8' Outdoor Nylon Marine Corps with grommets $89.00
Flag 6x10' Outdoor Nylon $191.00
MC Set Indoor display set 3x5 fringed $189.00  4x6' Set $249.00  Pole,base,spear top,flag, tassels.
US Set Indoor sets 1 US & 1 MC,  2 complete sets shipped together $349.00 (high quality)
Flag 3x5 Fringed Indoor Flag $60.90


All small items on this page will ship USPS (mail) and only one shipping charge will be applied. $4.95 for most items.  $12.95 FedEx for large Flags & Flag Sets. example is you could order bear, pins, stickers, 12x 18" flags and 4x6" flags they would all ship together  by mail for 1 shipping charge of $4.95.
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The Best American made flags, ever made.