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Links:  From this page you can find every type of flagpole.  Below you will find links to  Commercial Flagpoles, High Quality Residential Flagpoles, Home Kits, Outriggers, Vertical Wall Mounts & More.

Commercial   Flagpoles External Halyard    Continental Flagpoles High quality external halyard flagpoles, high wind ratings. Typically found at schools, banks, municipal, federal buildings, corporate offices & high end homes.

Commercial Flagpoles Internal  Sentry Flagpoles Key Lock Door Flagpoles. Economical rope based internal halyard. Used where security from vandals is required.  Also eliminates rope noise.

Commercial Flagpoles Internal  Stainless Steel Cable & Winch System.       Independence Flagpoles, Security and ease of raising large flags. Deploys a stainless steel winch and cable system. The ultimate flagpole. Life time cable

Hurricane Series   Flagpoles For Extreme Wind Conditions Larger diameters thicker wall, higher wind ratings, with custom features.

Fiberglass Flagpoles   White Fiberglass Flagpoles  light weight, extremely strong, easy to install, available as standard ground set, or with hinge base, or hinge base and internal halyard system. Commercial or Residential applications.

Fiberglass Nautical  Same poles as above with added yardarm or yardarm and gaff assemblies. Neat clean construction excellent choice for waterfront locations.

 Home Kits Flagpoles  /  3 Best Residential Kits Available  Economical multi section flagpoles. Typically for home use, or installed in clusters to attract attention to sales centers or development entrances.

Residential Flagpoles Commercial Quality   Residential Aluminum, external halyard,  commercial quality flagpoles in residential sizes. (smaller pole shafts & parts) 

Home Porch Mount  Traditional house mounting kits, of higher quality than hardware and chain store variety. Aluminum spinning poles & more.

Telescoping Flagpoles    From $74.00

Aluminum Nautical Flagpoles.  Nautical aluminum flagpoles from light duty home kits to larger commercial quality flagpoles found at yacht clubs & marinas.

Outrigger Commercial    Outrigger Economy     Outrigger Homesteader       Wall mounted outrigger flagpoles. Commercial heavy duty applications, Lighter duty & Budget series Homesteader.

Vertical Wall Mount   Vertical wall mounted flagpoles. Commercial applications.

 Custom Banner Poles

Installation Commercial         Installation Residential

 How Do I Choose?      General Questions     View Wind Speed Chart 

Anchor Flag And Flagpole